A Prayer For Life’s Marathon

Father, we recognize that our endurance and persistence are attitudes derived from a faith-filled life with You. Our endurance is realized by continuing this race though others may drop out making us feel like we run alone. Our persistence is marked by our determination to finish the race though struggles weigh us down and doubts cloud our vision of the finish line. Thank You for marking the race out for us by showing us the great examples of those who cheer us on as we participate in this Christian race. They finished their race on earth through their enduring faith, though they experienced opposition from sinful men. We endure hardships and struggles as discipline from You, our loving Father, that we may share in Your holiness. We look forward to the harvest of righteousness and peace that comes as a result of our persistence in this spiritual marathon. Strengthen our feeble arms and weak knees as we repent of the sin that entangles us. We lay aside everything that drags us down or tempts us to give up. We persist in the name of Jesus Christ for the heavenly finish line, amen.

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