A Prayer For Trust In God

Father, in our attempt to get even with our offender, we can do irreparable harm not only to our wrongdoer, but most especially to ourselves. Instead of having a spirit of forgiveness we harbor a vengeful heart. Our hearts harden and take on the character of the enemy instead of the Savior who loved us even while we were dead in our transgressions and sins. Our debt of sin He paid, freeing us to break the chains of sin that had long held us bound. Father, You heal the broken-hearted and console the wounded as they seek You in the midst of their affliction, whether it is a fresh wound or an old injury. Our affliction from others is earthbound, but our affection for You is heavenbound where there will be no more heartaches, pain or wrongdoing of any kind. Keep us steadfast and faithful till that appointed time. Amen.