A Prayer For Being Faithful

Father, we look into the book of Daniel and see that the Babylonian society in which he was held captive, from youth through old age, was godless and hostile to those seeking to live in obedience to You. Nevertheless Daniel prayed openly and faithfully to You, never forsaking the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He did not seek to fit into the mindset of his society but was intentional in standing apart from the babylonian gods as a follower of the one true God. Today we have many brothers and sisters who follow Christ; we have the Scripture that teaches us to say no to ungodliness and worldly passions; we have living examples throughout Scripture and history of those who courageously remained faithful to the end, and we have the infilling of the Holy Spirit which strengthens us daily in our Christian walk. When the Son of Man comes back to find faithfulness on the earth, may we be among that number. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.