Category Archives: Prayer of the day

A Prayer Of Thanks For Grace

Father, You know how often I ask You for blessings and yet I can’t know the extent of Your limitless grace if I don’t experience the lack from my human provisions. I can’t personally know Your divine strength unless I endure human weakness. In the midst of multiple heartaches and distress You multiply Your peace and provision for my life. Help me not to resent affliction, hardship or weakness since it is in those experiences that I more clearly recognize Your immeasurable grace for all that concerns me. It is in the name of Jesus that I come to You in prayer thanking You for Your unlimited provision and immeasurable grace. Amen.

A Prayer For Godly Knowledge

Father, we want to prayerfully consider Timothy’s warning and realize that evil will escalate in the last days where the wicked and impostors will worsen and deception will be rampant even in the church. This happens when the Holy Bible is not the supreme authority, and is replaced by the popular teaching of those who seek to sway believers as they “spend their time in nothing except telling or hearing something new.” We want to be wise, discerning, and careful to line up that which we hear with the ancient words of Scripture. For You are coming to judge the earth. You will judge the world with righteousness and all the nations with Your truth. Therefore we want to be fully devoted to following Your commandments, contend faithfully to the truth, and guard the deposit You entrusted to us. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For Spiritual Commendation

Father, the people of faith listed in Hebrews died without receiving all that You had promised, but they never lost their faith vision of heaven as a “better country – a heavenly one.” We take courage from these fearless heroes of our faith who remained faithful to You in this life so that they could inherit a future life with You for all eternity. We who follow You many generations later trust Jesus’ promise that He returned to heaven to prepare a place for all who remain faithful. We anticipate with great joy the hour that we are joined with You to receive our commendation in the clouds of glory for all eternity. In Jesus mighty Name, Amen.

A Prayer For Restrainers Of Evil

Father, as we march onward to Zion and uphold the Biblical view of righteous living, we are often mocked or dismissed as a radical bunch of Jesus followers. But we know that it is the righteous remnant who restrain Your wrath in the midst of the flood of evildoers. You are not willing that any should perish, but that all should turn to salvation. You didn’t send Jesus to earth to condemn the world but to provide redemption for all who believe upon Your name. We do believe and respond by walking in the ways of righteousness. It is by grace that we are saved, so we give You thanks through Christ Jesus our Lord in whose name we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For Defenders Of Truth

Father, as we set You apart in our heart from everything that is common, we begin to lay hold of Your holiness, Your power and goodness, justice and truth which also gives us an even greater reason for the hope that we have in You. The basis of our hope is in the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, who conquered the enemy of our soul. We defend our faith with gentleness and respect lest we espouse a superior attitude or reveal any attitude that is inconsistent with Your compassionate and just nature. May Your indwelling Spirit guide us in love and truth as we seek to reach others with the message of hope and forgiveness through Christ Jesus our Lord, in whose name we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For Discerning False Prophets

Father, as the slide to decadence deepens, we see the influence it has on the Christian church at large. Fearing rejection and mockery from the world or appearing as unsuccessful in the eyes of the world, many church leaders become accepting of the current philosophies and lifestyles prominent in our day, rather than holding to the unchanging standards prescribed through Your commands in Scripture. In the gray areas, help us to be gracious. But in the black and white commands of Scripture help us to be brave, strong and unambiguous in our position and consistent in our example as permissiveness, false prophesies, and weakened leaders dot the landscape. When seekers want the timeless truth of Scriptures rather than the changing truth of our times we will be prepared to guide them to Your eternal truths. Keep us faithful in doing so. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For Remembering God’s Truths

Father, we thank You for the inspiration of Your Holy Spirit. May Your Words be impressed upon our hearts as we give regular attention to them through reading and memorizing the Scriptures. We don’t want a casual attitude about Your Holy Word, but rather we want to be earnest students of Your Word earnestly contending for the faith. May we never weary of the basics of the gospel or lose the awe and wonder of seeing a life that is changed when redemption takes place. We want to hunger and thirst after righteousness and never lose sight of the old, old story that will be our theme throughout eternity. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

A Prayer Of Hope In Christ

Father, just as an anchor is standard safety equipment for a boat to remain afloat against powerful tides of water, Jesus is the anchor for our soul, keeping us steadfast and hopeful when the strong tides of doubt, disappointment and fear seek to overtake us. So many drift aimlessly day in and day out uncertain of their present and future standing while we, as believers, anchor fast to the Rock which cannot move, because it’s grounded firm and deep in our Savior’s love whose daily provision protects, encourages, and leads us to the heavenly shore where storms will one day be all past forevermore. Amen.

A Prayer Of Resolve To Stay Faithful To God

Father, there are many of Your followers who stand for righteousness that also deal with rejection, mockery, and ridicule from within their own family. As we take up Your cross we must be willing to lose our life, for Jesus tells us that it is at that level of commitmentl that we will actually find our lives. He also warned us that He did not come to bring peace to the earth; families will divide choosing one loyalty over another. Help us to patiently endure, remain steadfast in prayer for our loved one, and regularly exptend our love that comes from You to those who need it most. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For Receptivity To Godly Alarms

Father, the alarms have rung loud and clear since Adam and Eve were cast out of the garden of Eden. The battlelines were drawn between the hosts of heaven and hell early on. We thank You for the spiritual armor listed in Ephesians 6 that equips us for battle, both offense and defense, as the flaming arrows of the devil are hurled in our direction. We thank You for Jesus, the captain of the spiritual army who sounds the warning throughout Scripture and through messengers of the gospel. Keep our ears tuned, our minds alert, and our hearts softened. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.