Category Archives: Prayer of the day

A Prayer Proclaiming God’s Faithfulness

Father, You are Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Everything within the universe was formed and is sustained by Your command. We are awestruck at Your design and grateful for the ways it benefits us every moment of every day. You are our Rock; Your ways are perfect, and You are perfectly faithful! We give thanks to You today, faithful God, for Your great work in our lives and in Your wonders formed long ago; for our benefit, our enjoyment and as a reminder of how dependent we are on Your faithfulness and goodness. Amen.

A Prayer Of Faithfulness Unto Death

Father, You are our light, our strength and our song; the Cornerstone of our faith and our solid ground that holds us firm through the fiercest drought and darkest storm. In the midst of tremendous trial we can still find heights of love and depths of peace that still our fears and release sweet assurance to our souls. From our first cry to our final breath You command our destiny and no enemy can thwart Your plan for our lives. We stand in Your power and walk in Your strength through Christ Jesus our Lord in whose name we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For Living Pure Lives

Father, shape my thinking into that which will bring about growth and conformity to Your will. Teach me to think not in accord with my own human instincts but with the truth as it is revealed in Your Word. It will keep me from lusting after deadly forbidden fruit if I plant myself into that which is holy and righteous. As the world continues to slide into decadence help me to delve deeper into Your Word and faithfully commune with You so that my heart does not grow cold or indifferent. Nor will I be drawn into every kind of impurity with a continual lust for more. I want to stand firm to the end so that I am saved from this world of sin. In Jesus’ name and in His strength I pray. Amen.

A Prayer To The All-Powerful God

Father, everything in all Your creation cries out that You are eternally sovereign, all-powerful, and faithful in Your works. We are blessed beyond measure by Your handiwork, and Your invisible power that sustains us and empowers us to walk in victory day after day. Your power is constant and there is no diminishment over time. On Your appointed day when we enter the portals of heaven, we will see so much more of Your creative power that is hidden from view on this side of eternity. Keep us faithful and respectful of Your almighty power that reigns in heaven and on earth. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

A Prayer Of Thanks For Our Solid Rock

Father, it seems that each new day brings changes, some of which we welcome but others that bring uncertainty and even dread. How wonderful to know that You are our Rock and our Shield upholding us with Your gracious right hand. No night is so dark that the light of Your Son, Jesus, does not penetrate the darkness that would otherwise over take us. Keep us joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.

A Prayer During Times Waithing

Father, far too often we want quick fixes or to know the exact means in which You are going to work a matter out in our lives. But even as the Gospel is in ways a mystery unfolding, so is Your leading in our lives. If we had it all figured out and knew exactly how everything was going to fall into place, we’d be walking by sight rather than trusting by faith. We know that “faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we cannot see.” Reassure our hearts as we keep the words of Solomon before us, “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” May Your Voice of Truth always be our guide in testing the spirits of those who are quick to say, “Thus saith the Lord” or “God told me…” If they are truly Your prophetic messengers their actions and words will be confirmed through Scripture. Amen.

A Prayer For Knowing The Truth

Father, You grant us access to Your presence through Your Son, Jesus, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. As we come into personal relationship with Him we begin to know the Truth that sets us free from the deceit and lies of Satan. Help us to faithfully engraft Your Word into our hearts so that we will filter all that we see, hear and read to find what You, the Source and very Essence of truth have to say to our hearts. Help us to conform to Your will in all matters. Amen.

A Prayer For Those In Need

Father, we are thankful that You are present in the daily routine of our lives but also in the quiet, seemingly inactive periods when we are forced to slow down, think more, and do less. Your Spirit is at work in us as we invite You into the throne-rooms of our mind and into the recesses of our heart to shape us into Your likeness. You take negative circumstances and make them work for our good, when we acknowledge that “all things work together for good to those who love You and are called according to Your purpose.” We pray that You will achieve Your intended purpose in our lives as we fully submit our circumstances to Your divine plan. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For Being People Who Honor God

Father, as we deal with the temporal demands of this day, may the principles that guide us be of eternal origin. We seek not to blend in with this sin-darkened world but choose to be the salt of the earth. You have made us a peculiar people who are called to be the light of the world. May our light shine for all the world to see so that our good deeds bring praise to Your holy name. Amen.

A Prayer For Retaining The Knowledge Of God

Father, we want to be a people whose hearts and minds are One with Yours. Through our diligent study and application of Your Living Word our thoughts and attitudes are formed. Keep us faithful to the Truth of Your knowledge. We stand in firm opposition to the world’s substitutes; the acceptance, condoning, and celebration of what You describe as sin. The world may dress it up, even make it appealing, and cover up the disastrous results it brings on the individual, his or her family and society at large. Help us to read, retain and regard Your knowledge as our pattern for life. In the name of Jesus. Amen.