Category Archives: Prayer of the day

A Prayer Of Honor For Parents

Father, we count our family as the most sacred relationship established on earth. You placed us in family units so we can be nurtured in love as we increase in stature and wisdom, while learning responsibility alongside independence in small and big ways. We give thanks to You for Your expressed love shown to us through our parents. For those whose mother or father were absent physically and/or emotionally we’re so blessed and reassured to know that You are a loving Father to the fatherless and motherless, that Your love is all-sufficient to meet our deepest longing and to mend our broken hearts. Thank You for Your sufficient, unending love. Amen.

A Prayer To The Infinite God

Father, Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path giving direction when I would otherwise be led astray. Help me to daily remember that You do the leading and I do the following, since You know all things including the past, present and future. In Your infinite knowledge and wisdom You watch over me, care for my needs, and remind me of the very important command, “Do not be dismayed for I am your God.” Sometimes we become discouraged and confused about matters that make no sense to us which leads us to doubt and second guess Your overall plan. But in Your omniscience You remind us that You are our God, You know all things, You will strengthen and uphold us by Your righteous right hand. Infinite God, we are thankful to You! Amen.

A Prayer For Finishing Well

Father, we desire to please you and You have told us how to do that; to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with You. When we commit ourselves to following these commands we will finish well, for the glory of Your name. We will finish strong until the Saviour calls us home. When we surrender all, we will fight the good fight, we will finish the race, and we will keep the faith not turning to the right nor to the left, but walking the straight and narrow path that leads to eternal righteousness. And we desire to take as many with us as we can possibly influence for Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For Not Shrinking Back

Father, You indicate in Scripture that the righteous live by faith; and if he shrinks back, You will take no pleasure in him.* When we live by faith we find inner joy and lasting hope from Your promises, not only those already fulfilled but those yet to come. At the end of our earthly existence You promise to end our sufferings and to receive us unto Yourself, rewarding our faithfulness by giving to us a crown of life. We must press on, ever persevering, to win the prize of the high calling which we have received through Christ Jesus our Lord. With the prize clear before our eyes, Lord, we will find the strength to press on and not shrink back. Amen.

A Prayer For Remaining Steadfast

Father, I marvel at the trace of Your hand in my life. If I were to speak of the “stones” of deliverance and provision the first and most important “stone” would be the moment You delivered me from darkness and transferred me into the kingdom of Your light. You took the uncertainties of my life and gave me an eternal purpose for living. I am so grateful for the solid, reliable “stone” of salvation that is the starting point for the path of stones where I’ve seen Your hand in my life as I’ve experienced Your deliverance, provision and faithfulness every step along my pilgrim journey. Step by step, Lord, You walk with me on this straight and narrow path that leads to life eternal upholding me with Your righteous right hand. Amen.

A Prayer For Spiritual Knowledge

Father, Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light for my path. I don’t want to be destroyed for lack of knowledge nor do I want to be caught up in sin due to my disobedience to Your commands. As I read the words of Scripture and hear them expounded upon by faithful expositors I am feasting daily on the spiritual manna (food) provided by You. Where there is spiritual famine, even among those who believe, we pray for revival where men and women, boys and girls begin to hunger for that which is of eternal worth. Stir us all into action as we are spurred on by Your directives in Scripture, and Your Spirit that is at work in us. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

A Prayer For God’s Guidance

Father, we recognize from Scripture that You long to be gracious to Your children, to show them compassion and give them direction. You bless those who wait upon You. Though you give us the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, you also give us teachers, prophets, and believing friends who affirm or challenge us as we seek Your face and Your will for our lives. As we hold up the lamp of Your Word to lighten the path before us, how good it is to hear Your voice behind us saying, This is the way, walk in it. You’ve promised that You will never leave us or forsake us. Darkness will not overtake us, for You are the Light of the World, and in You there is no darkness at all. Thank You for Your reassuring presence that You walk with us step by step on this day of our journey. We’re en route now but we’re assured that our final destination will have an eternal glorious address where our dwelling will be with You in heaven forevermore. Amen.

A Prayer Of Eternal Hope

Father, we thank You for making us joint heirs together with the family of believers in this wonderful eternal inheritance that can never perish, spoil, or fade kept in heaven for us. We gratefully claim this inheritance and await the appointed date when we will experience in full the blessings it provides. Troubles in this life diminish our hope, but rejoicing in the life yet to be revealed gives us a glorious living hope! Help us to fix our present hope on the future return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank You for making my reservation in heaven since it is only there that enemies such as disease, aging, pain and loss will not exist. I want to keep this eternal perspective today! Through Jesus I come to You in prayer. Amen.

A Prayer For Truth

Father, we do not want to be overcome by evil but we want to overcome evil with good and the way that we can do this is to absorb, maintain, and uphold the Scriptural understanding of good and evil. We pray against authorities, personalities, and persuasive rhetoric that tempt us to compromise or water down the truths we learn from Scripture. The contrasts of light vs. darkness, good vs. evil, the spiritual nature vs. the sinful nature are abundant in Scripture. May the guiding light by which we live our lives in these evil days be the light of Your Holy Word. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For Faithful Watchman

Father, it is through devout godly people that You repair, restore and rebuild lives as they raise up the unchanging, ever relevant ancient words of Scripture. It takes faithful watchmen who serve with great vigilance, untiring in their ancient message of salvation to a world that is continuously desecrating that which was once sacred. Father, help us to be watchmen for our families, co-workers, and friends as we carefully measure the present principles of this world by the eternal principles established in Scripture. Grant us courage to speak out when the foundations are being shaken just as the watchmen were not silent night or day. We do not stand in the gap alone but You, our Father, are with us and we stand in Your strength! Amen.