Father, we see the greatest example of temporal suffering in the person of Jesus Christ. By giving His all to pay the full ransom for our sins He underwent inhumane persecution to the fullest extent of giving His life through death that we might live. What seemed a hopeless cause turned into a victory above all other victories when His resurrected body made it possible for us, as His followers, to join in His eternal glory. But for now we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in His glory. We like the glory, but are repulsed at the idea of suffering, and are mindful of those presently undergoing injustice and persecution, as well as the families undergoing tremendous stress and often grief. Fix in our hearts and minds the needed perspective that it’s just a little while that we suffer, but it’s for eternity that we share in Your glory. May we be found faithful along the way! In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.