Category Archives: Prayer of the day

A Prayer For Trusting

Father, You have called us to a journey of faith where we learn to trust You for all that we have need of, for the present and the future – in our relationships, our health, our earthly provisions and our spiritual needs. Like the songwriter, Louisa Stead, wrote; “I’m so glad I learned to trust You, precious Jesus, Savior, Friend; For I know that You are with me; Will be with me to the end. Jesus, Jesus How I trust You, How I’ve proved You o’er and o’er; Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus, O for grace to trust You more.” Help us to find the sweetness of wholeheartedly trusting in You, we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

A Prayer For Friendships

Jesus, You are a friend that sticks closer than a brother. We thank You also for our brothers and sisters in the faith who are often closer than our blood relations because we are joined together as a family of believers sharing common experiences and spiritual goals. So many times we find strength and encouragement from those who bear our burdens, lend a hand, and hold us accountable for our attitudes and actions. Thank You for loving, supportive, and reliable friends who draw us to our true source of hope and strength, especially in times of trouble. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

A Prayer Of Victory

Father, we give thanks to You who gives us victory in life’s ongoing battles through our Lord Jesus Christ. Help us to listen to the prompting of Your Holy Spirit that reveals to us the various ways that we can be used to further Your kingdom and expand the gospel message at home and abroad. As You reign in our hearts may our lives bear fruit that brings glory to Your name, as we seek to glorify You in all that we do. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For Overcoming Sin

Father, it seems that until we draw our last breath the devil continues to entice us to sin, whether it is in attitude or actions. Oh, how the world to evil allures me! Oh how my heart is tempted to sin! And yet as we go to You in earnest prayer and follow Your commands in Scripture, You enable us to overcome the allurement to sin and adhere to Scripture so that sin no longer masters us. We thank You for making a way of escape when we are tempted to sin. Amen.

A Prayer For Faith

Father, so much of what I need to do today and in the near future consumes my time and energy. The commitments and problems I face can easily crowd out the solemn moments that helps redirect my attention and focus upon the future You have planned for me. My soul is refreshed and my hope renewed when I consider that all of heaven with its splendor, majesty, absence of sin, and the presence of Jesus is mine to receive. You prepared it all and promised it as an inheritance for all who live by faith. Though my eyes cannot presently see, my heart believe by faith all that You have in store for those who are looking for the city which is yet to come, our eternal dwelling place. Amen.

A Prayer For The Glory Of God

Father, we’re so grateful for the four seasons that bring a fresh reminder of Your marvelous and inimitable works throughout the universe. When the fresh spring rains fall to the earth or the strong winds blow the trees and strew the leaves into the air we’re mindful of Your mighty power. Your works are so great and vast that in a lifetime we will see but only a tiny fraction of Your creative handiwork. In this unstable society we can be assured that You set the earth on its foundations and it can never be moved without Your command. Your glory is revealed to us as it is declared from the heavens to the ends of the earth. Amen.

A Prayer Of Acceptance

Father, You have shown us through the example of Jesus that we are to accept others in the same way that Christ accepted us. Show us ways that we can effectively reach out to others, especially those who feel rejected by family or society as a whole. Help us to show them genuine love and to initiate a friendship in the same way that You reached out to others and befriended them. As we do this in obedience to your command and as we are led by Christ’s example Scripture indicates that we bring praise to You which is our heart’s desire. Amen.

(Romans 15:7-9)

A Prayer For Faithfulness

Father, we want to be faithful in our service to You and to those whom You entrust to our care. It’s often a challenge and there are many excuses we can give for wanting to quit before Your appointed time. It would have been so understandable for Jesus to give up His plan to redeem the lost when He was beaten, rejected, mocked, and abandoned by those closest to Him. But He was faithful to the mission which is our only hope for salvation. Help us to remember that our labor in the Lord is not in vain; that our faithfulness is critical to the mission You have called us to complete. As we remain faithful we further develop the fruit of patience and endurance and inspire others as we model the fruit of faithfulness. We can do this only through the strength given to us through Christ in whose name we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For Revival

Father, we long to experience revival so that we will be renewed in mind, in spirit and in purpose. The journey seems long and the continual allurement to that which satisfies only for a season can turn our hearts away from the living waters that forever quenches our thirsty soul. Rekindle us with fire from above as You satisfy the longings of our soul and empassion us with the desire to reach the lost. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For Listening

Father, You know the thoughts and intents of our heart even before we think or speak them aloud. Yet You direct us to be faithful in prayer so that we are in holy communion with You. You speak to us primarily through the Holy Scriptures, through Your creation, through the divine appointments You schedule in our lives, and through those You use as messengers of the Gospel. May our minds be alert and our hearts attentive to that which You reveal to us, that we may give proper response. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.