Father, we trust You for You are worthy of implicit confidence. No problem is too difficult for You since Your power is supernatural and unlimited in strength. There is no prayer request that we bring to You that is too perplexing or hard for You to answer, no need too great for You to supply, no misdirected passion too strong for You to restrain; no temptation too powerful for You to deliver us from, and no misery too deep for You to relieve us from, for You are the Strength of our lives. And when we rest on these truths we are confident and trusting and there is no enemy force of which we should be afraid. We come boldly before Your throne of grace with Jesus as our Advocate. Amen.
Category Archives: Prayer of the day
A Prayer Of Thanks For The Blood Of Christ
Father, I thank You for the spotless Lamb of God who is without blemish or defect. It is I who deserved to die for my sins were many, but Jesus, Your Son, died in my place. You have washed me with Your sinless blood and now I am whiter than snow, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which You prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Keep us faithful and ever grateful for the blessing of having our sins forgiven. In Christ Jesus we pray. Amen.
A Prayer For Devoted Teachers
Father, we are so thankful for the brothers and sisters we’ve met on life’s highway who’ve poured into us their time, zeal, wisdom, and love. And when we were unresponsive to their loving attention, they didn’t walk away but continued to pray and invest in our lives. We are so much better for it and are further motivated to reach out to the unlovely and those deemed for failure by the world. Help us to see people through Your eyes, Father, and recognize their inestimable worth. In the precious name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
A Prayer Of Thanks For God’s Truth
Father, You have made Your truth known to both the and unrighteous. Your Personhood is evident to all living creatures, though many turn away, ignore, or devise a false theology veiling or hiding the truth. They resist the truth of who You are by their sinful lifestyle and their destiny is doomed. Your invisible attributes, eternal power and divine nature has been visible since the time of creation, and we are grateful for Your revelation to all who seek the truth. Amen.
A Prayer For Faithful Pilgrims
Father, we testify today to the marvelous grace of Christ Jesus our Lord. His loving grace exceeds our sin and our guilt, making it possible for us to have our sins completely forgiven. What He did on Calvary brought hope from despair, and turned the gloom of death into the brightness of eternity. When our walk on earth seems long or dreary, precious Lord, linger near as You uphold us with Your mighty right hand. Amen.
A Prayer To Jesus The Lord
Jesus, Name above all names, I confess with my lips and believe in my heart that You are the Lord and Savior of my life. You died for my sins and rose to life making it possible for me to die to sin and rise to new life in You. I thank You for the victory that is mine as I, in my heart, set Christ apart as Lord, not only in this world but in the world to come. Amen.
A Baby Dedication Prayer
Father, we pray for our children, that they may grow in faith as they grows in years. May they walk in the ways of Christ, and not in the ways of the world. Keep their steps safe, but should they stumble, we know You will uphold them with Your right hand. When tempted by the devil we pray that You will deliver them and remind them of the Biblical principles they learned from their earliest memories. We commit them to Your loving care and watchful eye. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
A Prayer Of Praise At All Times
Father, we want to bless You at all times and in all circumstances. May praise continually be uttered from our lips as it overflows from our heart. Whatever we are going through, and however long its duration may it not deter us from giving You praise and thanksgiving for who You are and all that You do on our behalf. As we seek You we find Your all-sufficiency to be our strength, power and might. In the wonderful name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
A Prayer Of Faith In The Cross
Lord Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross for me. You willingly became the sacrificial Lamb whose substitutionary death freed me from the heavy shackles of sin, degradation, and eternal damnation. My response to Your act of mercy and grace toward me is that I place my faith in You and recognize that Your love; so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all. Amen.
Thank You For The Cross
Loving Father, we thank You for Jesus who was wounded for our transgressions, who bore our sins in His body on the tree. For our guilt He gave us peace, and from our bondage to sin He gave sweet release. The triumph of the cross is witnessed by the myriads of believers who follow Christ into heaven. We thank You for Jesus who is our victorious and soon coming King! We honor Him by surrendering our lives wholly to His set purpose. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Amen.