Category Archives: Prayer of the day

A Prayer For A Firm Foundation

Jesus, to embrace Your teaching is life-transforming but to deafen our ear to Your words keeps us ever searching and never finding life-long answers to that which matters most. May we hunger and thirst for Your righteousness. Help us to apply Your wisdom to our lives and instruct those You’ve entrusted to our care to walk in Your ways. Our foundation will be unshakable and storm-proof as You build our lives based upon Your eternal truths. Amen.

A Prayer To A Phenomenal God

Father, we are among those who once walked in darkness, but You rescued us from the dominion of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of Your beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. There is nothing we could seek in this life that could bring greater freedom and joy here and now, and treasures forevermore as we abide with You through all eternity. Help us never to lose sight of the great contrast You bring into our lives as we walk out of darkness and dwell in Your radiant light. You are phenomenal God whom we love with all our hearts. Amen.

A Prayer For Assurance Of God’s Love

Father, from time to time we turn our eyes from You and become consumed with troubles that surround us, or worse, we become consumed with self-pity. Our emotions cloud our view of eternity giving us the false notion that here and now is all that matters. The apostle Paul stated, “If in this life we have hope in Christ only, we are of all people to be pitied”. We can become “much discouraged because of the way” that our journey through life is not smooth, predictable, nor can we avoid the twists, turns, and detours by using a gps. You never promised that our Christian walk would be easy, but You did promise never to leave us or forsake us. You promised to come alongside us and work out even the bad things we encounter for our overall good and for the good of others. Keep us faithful and trusting during the journey we pray. Amen.

A Prayer Of Preparation

Father, though we don’t know the day nor the hour, You already have the blessed event of Christ’s return on Your heavenly calendar. Even as the Son of Man ascended into heaven He will come again, but this time we have the blessed hope of ascending with Him and joining with those of like precious faith. Thank You for loved ones and witnesses of the truth who have repeated this glorious life-transforming message to us over the years preparing our hearts for this major event. Help us to be faithful and eager for the blessed hope of Your second coming when believers on earth will take up eternal residency in heaven. In Your name, Jesus, we pray and watch for Your reappearing. Amen.

A Prayer For Righteousness

Father, help me to remember that my character reflects that which I pursue daily. When I reflect that which is good it is because I am pursuing the Kingdom of God that is full of righteousness, peace, and joy. Help me to diligently exercise the gift of discernment so that I will always recognize the kingdom of darkness which is full of evil, deceit, and chaos. Because of Your Holy Spirit abiding in my life I know that Your good in me is greater than the evil that is in the world! By Your grace I will recognize and overcome the destructive forces of evil as I am in daily communion with You! I pray this in the loving and holy name of Jesus. Amen.

A Prayer For Overcomers

Lord Jesus, we are inspired by those very special people that You have called out from among the ordinary. They look to You for physical strength and extraordinary faith to overcome the obstacles that would otherwise hinder their ability to live a productive life. They’re living examples of the redeemed who have invited Your strength to be perfected in their weakness. When we are powerless, You are all-powerful and You receive the glory due Your name. So help us not to resent our weaknesses or limitations, for it is in these challenges that we can take no credit but rather give honor to the One who makes all things possible for those who believe. Amen.

A Prayer Of Confession

Merciful Father, may I never consider my good works or righteous acts to be payment or a cover-up for the hidden sin I harbor in my heart. Instead I want my attitude to be that of the publican in Luke who humbly came before You and cried out, “God be merciful to me a sinner!” If I exalt myself it will lead to my downfall. But if I humble myself I will exalt You. So I come to You with a contrite heart, confess my sins, and ask Your forgiveness through Christ Jesus my Lord and Saviour. Amen.

A Prayer For Trusting God

Father, as You call us to walk the narrow path the vast majority rejects, we thank You for the godly examples who have gone before us and shown us the way. Such giants of the faith as Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Paul and countless others throughout the generations have shown us the way to be faithful even in the midst of adversity. They made great sacrifices in their lifetime to gain an eternal inheritance in heaven. Their sacrifice was temporal and short in duration compared to the eternal pleasures they now enjoy. Help us not to resent the struggles that lead us to seek You in a deeper more intimate relationship. May we, like Job, declare “I know that You can do all things; no plan of Yours can be thwarted. My ears had heard of You but now my eyes have seen You” (Job 42:2,5).

A Prayer Of Thanks For Friends

Father, You have given me many treasures that cannot be bought with money and friendship is among them. I thank You for the special friends who brighten my outlook and challenge me to be a better person. Thank You for my caring friend who loves me and never gives up on me even when I feel like giving up on myself. For that dear friend who comes alongside me and helps carry the burdens that I bear, I am especially thankful. My life is enriched and my spirit is refreshed as I share my heart with a close friend who does not criticize but accepts my frailties; who prays for me and expresses love for me in ways that build me up and strengthen me in the trials of life. Father, You are the greatest and most trusting Friend that I will ever know so help me to draw near to You so that You draw near to me. Amen.

A Prayer Of Thankfulness

Father, each of us make our dwelling on Thankful Lane when we daily attribute thanksgiving to You who provides for all our needs. You give us shelter from the harsh elements, food on our tables, clothing for our bodies and people who love and care for us. We’ve been blessed beyond measure, both physically and spiritually as You provided for our greatest need; salvation. Worthy is the Lamb who died on the cross for our sins. We will eternally praise You for Your goodness to us. Amen.