Category Archives: Prayer of the day

A Prayer For Revival

Father, we want to be a shining light to the nations, bring a word of hope to the peoples of this earth so that the whole world will know there’s salvation in Your name, there’s awe in Your supernatural deeds and there is eternity to be gained in exchange for a temporal world. We don’t want to take for granted Your awesome deeds recorded in Scriptures or things done for us in the past. Would you do it again, Lord! Reveal Your power anew and make it known in our time, we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For A Cooperative Attitude

Father, in this age of competition and egocentricity help us to resist the mindset of the world. We’re tempted to focus on big numbers, large budgets, expensive buildings, newest resources, impressive staff and other worldly comparisons of those who share in this calling to minister to our lost and dying world. When our focus is narrowed to imitating or competing with other ministry groups we lose sight of the One to whom we are honoring and our priorities become misaligned. We want to thank You for the scores of people and ministries that are making a tremendous spiritual impact for Your Kingdom, the vast majority of whom are unheralded and unseen. As Your followers, move us beyond pettiness, jealousy, and possessiveness to appreciate and affirm those who might have a different way of presenting the Gospel as long as it is in accordance with the Scripture. Help us to support and pray for one another as we carry forth the light of God’s Word. You have called each one of us to lift up Your name and You will draw people to Yourself. As we seek You above all else You will be our daily guide and out of our hearts will flow abundant springs of living water that will not run dry even in a drought stricken land. Amen.

A Prayer For The Ancient Paths

Father, as I stand at the crossroads of decision where I am pulled in many directions, I direct my attention to the well-worn path marked out by faithful followers of God throughout the centuries – the faithful ones who remained true to Your ancient law whose hearts did not betray the One True God. With godly determination I earnestly desire to follow in the steps of the Master that leads me to find rest for my soul on earth and secures a heavenly home where my soul no longer grows weary or disheartened. By Your grace I move forward in Jesus’ name. Amen.

A Prayer For Living God’s Way

Father, help me to store up this vital Scripture today; “A righteous man will be remembered forever.” When I’m tempted to compromise my integrity in exchange for ungodly choices may this Scripture ring alarm bells in my heart and mind. Let its truth persuade me to say “no” to ungodliness and worldly passions and to live a self-controlled, upright and godly life in this present age. Your way is the best way and it is the lasting way. Amen.

A Prayer For Looking Up

Father, we come with humbleness before Your great throne and declare You to be the King of kings and Lord of lords. You rule the universe and You rule the throne of our heart. We pray for our spirit to be subject to Your faithful leading since You have already taught and characterized all that is good. You require us to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with You on this day and all the days that follow. May we be faithful to Your clear instruction. Amen.

A Prayer Of Surrender To God

Father, we are barraged with colorful ads, luring commercials, and attractive displays enticing us to make grand purchases. When “things” consume our soul they capture our passion, our wallets and our time. You have commanded us to seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness and all these things will be added unto us. As we do so we will be generous with our resources for the sake of the Kingdom. Help us to be generous with our time, talent, and treasures so that Your kingdom is enlarged and our investments have eternal dividend. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For Being Heavenly-Minded

Father, we know that You care for us day in and day out as we walk in Your ways, and mercifully, even when we choose to deter from Your perfect plan You gently guide us back. Your plan for our lives is to prosper us even as we endure hardships in this life. Yours is a boundless hope and an eternal love that will see us through to a glorious celebration never to end but to experience for all eternity. Thank You for Your abundant provisions, in this life and in the unseen eternal life yet to come. Amen.

A Prayer Of Faith In God’s Care

Father, if You see a sparrow that falls to the ground; if you know the daily number of hairs that are on my head; if every snowflake that falls from heaven is uniquely designed by You why do I doubt that You have Your watchful and caring eye upon me for I am created in Your image. Forgive me when I doubt You or feel forsaken. Instead I want to trust You and believe Your Words that assures me, “Never will I leave you. Never will I forsake you.” “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” “Nothing can separate me from the love of God; not tribulation or distress or persecution, famine or nakedness or peril or sword.” No in all these things, we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us. In Jesus Name, Amen.

A Prayer For People Of Praise

Father, each generation has a chosen people, a royal priesthood who declares Your praises to a lost and dying world filled with darkness. We’re a peculiar people in that we praise You in the good times and we praise You in the bad times; that’s how we show forth our praises of You who has called us out of darkness into Your marvelous eternal light. It is through Jesus, therefore, that we continually offer to You, our Father, a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of our lips that confess Christ’s name and the fruit of our lives that prove our words to be genuine. It is in our Savior’s name that we pray. Amen.

A Prayer Of Thanks For Warnings

Father, thank You for Your repeated warnings in Scripture that informs, instructs and protects us from the evil one. Help us not to ignore Your warnings or procrastinate in our obedience to Your commands. Embolden our spiritual leaders to be fearless watchmen who speak out Your truths, even when they’re not popular or politically expedient. May we be receptive to Your Word and obedient in our response. In the name of Jesus we pray, amen.