Father, we honor our military veterans who gave their all that we might enjoy our freedoms. Some of them bear visible reminders of their service such as a missing limb, or a jagged scar. Others carry less visible signs such as a pin holding a bone together, shrapnel buried beneath their skin, tortuous physical and mental images that cannot be erased from their minds, causing many of them deep disturbance in their mental health. We pray that You will encourage the veteran’s families and place godly people in their paths who will build relationships with them giving them an opportunity to share their faith. We pray for those serving today who are being denied their expression of faith due to the politically motivated changes within the military. We consider the chaplains who uphold the teachings of the Bible rather than the philosophies of our day that redefine what is right and what is wrong. Fortify them with courage, wisdom and the resolve to stay firm in the days ahead, to hold to what is true no matter what they endure as a result. And, lastly, we pray for our spiritual veterans who have forged the straight and narrow path before us that leads to eternal life. We follow behind and don’t look back to the broad path that leads to destruction and eternal doom. In the name of Jesus we praise You and thank You for these military and spiritual veterans. Amen.
Category Archives: Prayer of the day
A Prayer Of Thanks For Reconciliation
Jesus, we want others to view the message of reconciliation as it is lived out in our lives and in our daily conversation. Because You reconciled us to the Father through Your sacrificial death on the cross we want to see others experience this wondrous reconciliation when we were snatched from the evil one and transported into the Kingdom of God. What great joy it is to share this message with others, see them respond to Your Spirit, and take them alongside us in this journey of grace. Keep us faithful in proclaiming the Good News. Amen.
A Prayer For Letting Our Light Shine
Father God, You have called us to be a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people set apart to show forth the praises of Christ who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. Since You have brightened our darkness we will not conceal it in the privacy of our own home or car, but we will shine the light of Christ wherever we are; in the marketplace, in the business place, in the neighborhood, in the voting booth, in church and wherever we have opportunity to bring forth light in this world of darkness. We can make a difference and want to do so. We want to witness faithfully through Jesus Christ our Lord in whose name we pray. Amen.
A Prayer For Personal Victory
Father, You make it possible for us to move from defeat to victory with Your many provisions and promises revealed throughout Scripture; the victory verses that show us how to be strong in our weakness, how to exercise self-control in temptation, how to trust instead of doubt, how to be consoled in the midst of our sorrow. And in our death we find life everlasting. You are truly our all in all! So we look to You for victory as You supply everything we need. Amen.
A Prayer Of Thanks For The Blessing
Father, I want to be Your hand extended to others in need. Help me not to turn the other way or to expect someone else to be Your messenger of compassion and care. I want to seek out those who need a kind touch, an attentive ear, or just another person sitting beside them. May I be sensitive to others in need and may I also be sensitive to Your leading. We also thank you for the blessedness of resting in Your everlasting arms. Amen.
A Prayer For Being A Good Witness
Father, we are challenged in Scripture to be filled with the Spirit speaking to ourselves with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. This heavenly language brings Scripture to our hearts and makes us one with You even in the midst of our busy schedule. It is from the abundance of being filled with Your spirit that we overflow with heavenly music and psalm, even in the midst of hard and unfair situations in our lives. May praise and thanksgiving be the resounding theme from our hearts on this day and everyday! In Your name, Jesus, we pray. Amen.
A Prayer For Endurance
Lord, You know the spiritual pulse of our heart. The allurement to go with the popular and trendy way of thinking is ever before us. This is especially true since we’re barraged with these kinds of messages each day. Some of our readers are subjected daily to these same messages in their own families. Help us to be intentional in taking a bold stand as we go against the waves of humanism and false religious systems. May our love and devotion to You rise up and overtake any fear or intimidation that would otherwise paralyze our witness in settings where Your name is not revered. As believers we no longer belong to this world so we will never find a comfortable place here. Give us grace and endurance to be a faithful witness in this world even when hated and maligned by others. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
A Prayer For Godly Judgments
Father, while people have a tendency to judge others by their words and actions, You judge us by our motives. You know the inner thoughts of our hearts as evidenced when You spoke to Samuel about his unexpected choice in selecting young David to be the next king rather than his older, taller and stronger brothers. You don’t see things the way others see them, for people judge by outward appearance, but You see thoughts stored up in our heart. Help us to deal first with our own sin, so that when You lay upon our heart one who is caught up in sin, we can prayerfully and gently seek to restore them to a godly attitude or conduct that is pleasing to You. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
A Prayer For Keeping Spiritual Zeal
Father, it is our lifelong desire to love You without reserve, to never be lacking in zeal, and to keep our spiritual fervor as we serve You. We fully devote ourselves to You and want to do what is good and right in Your sight so that we may be at peace and bring You honor. We want to be careful that we do not forget You or fail to observe Your commands set forth in Your Word. Otherwise our hearts will grow proud and we will forget our first love. Keep us on the right path all the days of our life, keeping our spiritual zeal as we serve You. We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
A Prayer For Being Lightbearers
Father, You make our light shine brightest when we’re surrounded by darkness. We don’t seek to blend into the darkness but want to shine Your light so that those walking in darkness can see the way to repentance. Even as we’re able to see God in the face of Christ, may the world see Christ in the face of Christian believers all over this dark planet. In Your name, Jesus, we pray. Amen.