Author Archives: admin

A Prayer To The King

Father, You who created the heavens and the earth; You who created Jacob, and formed Israel have also chosen to redeem us. You even call us by Your name as we, Your redeemed, are children of the King. We are joint heirs with You through no goodness of our own or merits that we’ve earned, but only through the sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus, who gave His life that we might have forgiveness of sins and become Your children. We are abundantly grateful for such mercy and grace. Amen.

A Prayer For Making A Difference

Father, the call to snatch the sinner from hell is similar to a fireman snatching one who would otherwise be engulfed in flames. We are in the soul saving business and our mission is urgent since time is running out. Just as a loving brother or sister reached out to us with the message of salvation we too want to do the same for others who are bound for hell. With the helmet of salvation as our covering and the sword of the Spirit as our guide we want to direct others to Christ to be saved from their sins. It is in His name that we pray. Amen.

Romans 2:5-6

But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed. God “will give to each person according to what he has done.”

A Prayer For Those Suffering For Their Faith

Father, we see the greatest example of temporal suffering in the person of Jesus Christ. By giving His all to pay the full ransom for our sins He underwent inhumane persecution to the fullest extent of giving His life through death that we might live. What seemed a hopeless cause turned into a victory above all other victories when His resurrected body made it possible for us, as His followers, to join in His eternal glory. But for now we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in His glory. We like the glory, but are repulsed at the idea of suffering, and are mindful of those presently undergoing injustice and persecution, as well as the families undergoing tremendous stress and often grief. Fix in our hearts and minds the needed perspective that it’s just a little while that we suffer, but it’s for eternity that we share in Your glory. May we be found faithful along the way! In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For Enduring Honor

Father, each spring as we see tiny featherless fledglings pressed tightly against their mothers in the hollow of their family nest, we’re reminded of the human love children experience from their parents’ safekeeping. We thank You for the love and care You extend to us through the preordained parents who sacrificially love and care for us all our days on earth. Thank You for their model of love, sacrifice, duty, protection, and other virtuous qualities seen in their parentage. Their example greatly influences the way we raise our own children.
We also pray for those whose relationship with their parent is a role reversal where they must act as the adult when their own parent behaves like a needy and at times a defiant child. May Your multiplied mercies sustain these caregivers in their ongoing stress-filled role so that, above all, You are honored and they find Your peace in the midst of the seemingly unending demands. Father, we thank You for our human family and our spiritual family. And we thank You for our heavenly family that awaits our arrival on the other side. In the name of Christ Jesus Your Son we pray. Amen.

1 John 2:1-2

My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense — Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.

A Prayer For Parents Of Special Children

Father, when we hear or read stories about outstanding parents like Barb the first thought that fills our mind is, “I could never do that.” That’s because we are not equipped to do that which You have not called us to do. And yet we are all called to bear one another’s burdens, so we pray for these special caregivers, reach out to them in love, and assist them in matters that helps lighten their physical, financial and emotional burdens. The Psalmist wrote that “God sets the lonely in families.” We thank You for the family unit where we look out for one other, serve each other in love, and provide as best we can for each other’s needs. Bless those who bear a heavy load, whose everyday life, is not the average life. At times these special caregivers deal with feelings of loneliness, being ostracized from public settings or other people’s homes, even churches, where their children just won’t fit in due to their particular issues. Watching other average families raise independent, achieving children can stir up feelings of envy and self-pity, that life just isn’t fair. Show them how to live in the perspective of the eternal, raising their sights above the here and now to the glorious heavens where no sickness or impairment will enter. The troubles we’re given on this earth is achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. Help our dear friends never to give up in despair nor to give out in exhaustion. Instead help them to stand strong in the power of Your might. In the loving name of Jesus we pray. Amen.