Author Archives: admin

A Prayer For Living Faithfully For Christ

Father, we have been given a trust and desire to prove ourselves faithful in all areas of our lives as evidenced in our responsibilities carried out here on earth. Being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us involves sacrifice, humbleness, repentance, and obedience which does not come easily, but is nevertheless required. As we walk steadily with You and prayerfully apply Scriptural principles we will be found faithful. We look to You in prayer coming to You through Jesus Christ our Lord in whose name we pray. Amen.

A Prayer During The Storms Of Life

Father, You assure us time and again of Your compassionate love toward us through Your Word, through fellow believers, through extraordinary intervention and whatever other means You ordain. You respond to our needs faithfully, but we confess that our doubts begin when Your voice is silent about particular ongoing needs we’re dealing with. It is in these instances that we begin to wonder, do You really do care. But we desire to prove our faith to be genuine by trusting You even when You are silent. Help us to persevere in prayer as we seek to understand Your overall plan in these troubling matters. And when we don’t understand Your plan help us to trust You because faith that cannot be tested is faith that cannot be trusted. Amen.

A Prayer To Honor Marriage

Father, we thank You for Jesus who is a Friend that sticks closer than a brother or a sister, who never leaves us nor forsakes us. We also thank You for the companionship of a marriage partner who walks alongside us during the ups, downs, and winding pathways of our journey below. Help us to be vigilant in preserving our sacred vows and honoring the institution of marriage. We want to be united as two blending together as one as we live in harmony with You. Amen.

A Prayer For Those Who Wait

Father, in the midst of our trials may the problem at hand not be the single focus of our prayers. Help us to seek You for godly understanding and patient endurance, so that our lives are spiritually maturing in the process of waiting upon You to answer our prayers. May seeking You be our primary focus in fulfillment of Christ’s command in Matthew 6:33, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto You.” In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

A Prayer For Little Children

Father, You welcome all to be a part of Your kingdom: the young and the old, the weak and the strong, those born in ideal circumstances and those conceived and born in the worst imaginable settings. All the days ordained for our lives were written in Your book before one of them came to be. May our welcoming voices and warm touch make an eternal difference to the children born in our hostile world, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. We want to follow the example of our Lord Jesus who lovingly embraced and tenderly welcomed the children to spend time with Him. Amen.