Author Archives: admin

A Prayer For Marital Love

Father, we thank You for the wonderful gift of love that we experience in a romantic relationship that often grows into a marital bond between a man and woman. It is a holy union in which devout believers make You the Cornerstone of their marriage and family. May they be a support to each other as they provide a loving and protective shelter from the bitter disappointments of life. May the fruit of the Spirit be evident in their daily walk both at home and in public places. Keep them wholly faithful to one another, rejecting every lustful temptation the devil sends their way. May they prove their love to each other with mutual respect, understanding, forgiveness, kindness, forbearance, and unity. In the precious name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For Remembering God’s Truths

Father, we thank You for the inspiration of Your Holy Spirit. May Your Words be impressed upon our hearts as we give regular attention to them through reading and memorizing the Scriptures. We don’t want a casual attitude about Your Holy Word, but rather we want to be earnest students of Your Word genuinely contending for the faith. Help us not to be absent minded when approaching the gospel truths but rather be wholly present that we might partake of all that You have to teach and show us in Your Word. May we never weary of the basics of the gospel or lose the awe and wonder of seeing a life that is changed when redemption takes place. We want to hunger and thirst after righteousness and never lose sight of the old, old story that will be our theme throughout eternity. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For God’s Protection

Father, like a nurturing eagle, You cover us with Your feathers so that we find refuge under Your protective wings. As we live in daily communion with You we are protected from the snare of the enemy. Therefore we need not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day. Because we have made the Lord Most High our dwelling You have commanded the angels to guard us in all our ways. You will be with us in trouble, You will deliver us and honor us. What greater blessing could we want than to know we are under Your protective, loving care. Thank You, Father, for being all that we need here and now, and providing for our hereafter. Amen.

A Prayer For Wayward Loved Ones

Father, we want to bless You at all times. May our praise toward You continually flow from our tongues so that it brightens our outlook and even our countenance. May our lives, set apart for your glory, be as neon lights to this darkened world where so many have lost their way. They’ve become slaves to sin and need to be rescued and set free. Enable us to genuinely care for these needy souls, in their lostness and despair, to lovingly guide them to salvation through Christ. No one is too lost, or beyond hope, of find saving grace through Christ Jesus. So we continue to pray, believe, and trust You to save our loved ones before it is eternally too late. In the precious name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For A Caring Heart

Father, You created within us a desire for the human touch. We’re grateful for hugs of love, affection, and friendship; for those who embraced us following a personal disappointment, a time of loss, a long separation, or a time of celebration and rejoicing. Sometimes words fall short or are inadequate for a situation, so You gave us the ability to show that we really do care by warmly embracing one who is in need of a loving physical touch. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.