Author Archives: admin

Romans 8:6-8

The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God.

A Prayer For Listening To The Shepherd’s Voice

Father, as I walk in Your truths, give me an undivided heart, that I may fear Your holy name and heed Your still small voice. Help me to walk uprightly and live more by faith, less by sight so that I don’t come to rely only on that which I see with my eyes, but I listen for the voice of the indwelling Holy Spirit. In doing so I am far more likely to follow the truths and principles of Scripture as learned throughout the Holy Word of God. Help me to be faithful, I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

A Prayer For Guarding Against Being Deceived

Father, we pray for discernment, so that we make wise decisions since You warn us that deceivers have gone out into the world, and if we’re not on our guard, we will be taken in by their deceptive ways. As we read Your Word we learn of those things that are true, honest, good, just and virtuous and we also learn of that which is false, destructive, and misleading. We learn how to detect the enemy though he or she may be dressed in sheep’s clothing and even masquerade as a Christian. But in time their words and their works will reveal who they really are. Keep us on our guard so that we are not taken in by those who prey on undiscerning believers. Instead we want to expose the fruitless deeds of darkness and build up the Kingdom of God. It is in the name of Jesus that we pray for discernment. Amen

A Prayer For Walking In Newness Of Life

Father, as we embrace the cross of Calvary and apply Christ’s redemptive blood to our hearts we find newness of life. We are no longer bound by the chains that fettered us to sin. What great liberty and boundless joy to know that our names are written down in heaven. If we set our hearts on this world, or declare allegiance to those things which have no eternal merit, we will wear down and lose the joy that comes with newness of life. But as we set our hopes and joys on serving Christ, the joy of our salvation is ongoing, uplifting, and a testimony to all who seek answers that this world cannot provide. Like the early apostles may we, give testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Thank You for raising Christ from the dead so that we can be redeemed and walk in newness of life everyday! In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For Living The Resurrected Life

Father, Your Word declares that Jesus rose from the dead. The eyewitnesses to this glorious miracle were initially in disbelief but when they were face to face with Jesus they were filled with jubilant hope. It is because You live that we live also. You’ve put our sin nature to death and raised our spiritual nature to life. And one day our physical nature will give way to death but because of Your power over the grave we will be resurrected to eternal life. Praise be to God, the Lord is risen indeed! Amen.

A Prayer Of Celebration For The Resurrection

Father, the message “He Is Risen” resounds beyond the inner walls of the tomb where Jesus’ body no longer lay, for it resounds in our hearts and soars within our spirits nearly 2000 years later. We serve a risen Savior who is in the world today, who dwells within our hearts, and who reconciles us to You, our Father in heaven. What a joyous and triumphant day we celebrate at Easter and everyday as we acknowledge our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ who died, was buried, and who rose again. Amen.