Author Archives: admin

A Prayer For The Suffering Church

Father, we recognize that our life is a gift from You and the life we live is our gift back to You. You give us guidance in how to live our lives through the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit gives us power to overcome the evil one and courage to stand for righteousness in the very face of evil. Even as we are witnessing evil acts of terror all over the world we are also hearing the names and seeing the faces of those whose faith in Christ has made them the target of these evildoers. We admire and respect their bravery and refusal to renounce their faith so their lives can be spared. Instead they look beyond their horrible ordeal, the loved ones they will leave behind, and they must surely fix their hearts on their eternal resting place. In this age when many church leaders are presenting watered down sermons and teachings, softening the commands of Scripture to make them palatable to those whose loyalties are torn between living for Christ and living for the world, bring to our minds people like Mathew Ayairga. A man, drawn by the Holy Spirit, who came to Christ because he esteemed the uncompromising faith of the Coptic Christians of Libya who were willing to lay down their lives for the cause. Because he too laid down his life Mathew’s Christian life was short on this side, but throughout the eons of time, we who believe and practice what we believe will have fellowship with our brother, Mathew. Help us to be strong and ever hopeful as we fix our gaze on that which lies beyond the grave, as we seek to glorify You whether in life or in death. Through Christ we pray. Amen.

A Prayer As We Fight Greed

Father, You are a gracious and generous Father who bestows on us bountiful gifts and sufficient supplies to meet our every need. When we get our eyes off that which we have and set our heart’s affections on material things that we don’t have we can easily struggle with envy, discontentment, and jealousy which leads to an ungrateful attitude. Thank you for the extras that we enjoy in life, but we especially thank You for the essentials that we experience such as salvation, eternal life and endless hope through Jesus Christ our Lord. Keep our focus on the hallowed manger scene instead of the hollow mall setting as we celebrate another Christmas this year. It is in the name of Jesus that we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For A Heart Of Mercy

Loving Father, we don’t want to turn the other way when You bring into our view the hurting and neglected people of the world. When we see the hungry or thirsty, the stranger in need of clothing, the sick and frail, those imprisoned, and the countless other oppressing needs among us Your loving compassion compels us to reach out in whatever way we can to be an extension of Your kingdom. For we know that when we do it for those considered the least on earth we not only empower and bless them but we also obey and please You. May the “evidence of the grace of God” be visible in our attitudes and in our actions as we respond to the opportunities You give us everyday. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For Godly Parents

Father, we’re given the example of sterling young men like Azariah, and his fellow Hebrew friends, who refused the Babylonian king’s orders, to bow down to the golden image. Surely they were weary of enduring the daily testing as they were few in number standing against the godless culture of their day. Was it the teachings their parents presented of Moses who stood time after time before the godless Pharoah as he sought the release of the Jews? Was it the story of God providing a ram just seconds before Abraham was going to slay his only son, Isaac? Was it their parents who reinforced that God always comes through in His perfect timing to provide for their needs or deliver them from trouble? Perhaps they’d witnessed numerous challenges their parents were dealt as they remained steadfast in their faith. In the land of many gods they continued to bow down to only one, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We ask your blessings upon all who seek to pass on Biblical faith to their children and equip them to stand when the day of evil comes. In our Lord’s mighty Name we pray. Amen

A Prayer For Changed Lives

Father, there is no sin too great that Your mercy is not greater. We were born with a sin problem, but You provided the solution for our sin sick souls through the wondrous sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ. We could never be good enough, rich enough, famous enough, or smart enough – nothing we offer is enough. Anything we offer is sin-based because of our human condition and all that Christ offers is sin-less because He is the divine Lamb without spot or blemish. Only Jesus, the sinless Lamb of God, is enough to pay for our sins and begin the wonderful work of transforming us into Your likeness. Thank You for Your gift of eternal life through the sacrifice of Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.