Author Archives: admin

A Prayer For Faithful Proclamation

Father, there are so many believers You have gifted with the ability to write meaningful words of praise and testimony that mirror the same expression I have in my heart but am unable to put into words or musical script. Though I’ve not been given this same talent thank you for giving me the ability to sing these songs as they resonate from my heart. The Psalmist David, the greatest poet of all time, proclaimed over and over again the wonders of Your salvation. May we never tire of this glorious life-changing theme as we sing about the marvelous miracle of salvation day after day. We want to be faithful in sharing with others this, Amen.

A Prayer To The Builder Of Everything

Father, You are great and greatly to be praised. You are the Builder of everything we see and so much that we’ve not yet laid eyes upon, both on the earth and the heavens above. We are looking forward to the future city with eternal foundations where You are the architect and builder. Our everlasting home in heaven is not built with human hands, but by Your divine design. Keep us faithful till that glorious promotion day! In the Name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

A Prayer For Pilgrims To The Promised Land

Father, as we consider the days of old we see Your faithful hand guiding us along life’s pathway, in our own lives and in the generations that precede us. Deliverance from our sins, provision for our every need and guidance for our every step keeps us firmly anchored like a tree planted by streams of water. Keep us faithful and trusting until we cross over to the Promised Land. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

A Prayer Of Thanks For The Elderly

Father, we’re grateful for the teaching and example of those who are older. So much wise advice can be gleaned from the elderly who have experienced the ups and downs of life, the putting into practice of your Scriptural truths, the overcomings and even the failings that teach us what we should avoid and what we need to put into practice. We need each other; the young need to observe the senior’s life’s experiences and endurance and the older need the help of the youth’s strength and vitality. It’s all a part of life’s cycle here on earth. Help us to appreciate, respect and observe each season of life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

A Prayer Concerning Confrontations

Father, we want to be used of You to bless others and encourage them in their spiritual walk. Help us to be sensitive to Your Spirit’s leading when there are words of guidance, caution or even correction that we are to share with our brother or sister. Help us to be careful messengers of Your truth, grace, and reproof. Help us also to be grateful recipients when You use other godly messengers to speak to us about matters which we ignore, misuse, or are blinded to. May we all do our part in building up the body for which Christ gave His life. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.