Author Archives: admin

A Prayer For Remembering God’s Wonders

Father, it is in my hour of need that I see Your powerful provision in my life. When I’m in need of comfort, You are my Comforter. When I’m in need of courage You go before me. When I’m in need of friendship You are the friend that sticks closer than a brother. When I’m in need of stability You are the Anchor for my soul. When I’m in need of finances You own the cattle on a thousand hills. When I’m in need of peace You are the peacemaker. When I’m in need of food You are the Bread of Life. When I’m thirsty You are the living water that leads to eternal life. You are my Shepherd and I shall never be in want of anything. Thank You for meeting every need I have. Amen.

A Prayer For Being God’s People

Father, once we were not a people, but now we are Your people; once we had not received mercy, but now we have received Your mercy. Because we are recipients of Your mercy we want to show mercy, kindness, and love to others who sojourn with us from day to day. The passions of the flesh wage war against our soul, but the passionate fire of the Spirit burns deep within our soul and ignites a desire within us to share Your Word that calls people out of darkness and transfers them into Your wonderful, everlasting kingdom of light. As people of God help us not to falter but to be faithful messengers of the gospel wherever we go. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

A Prayer Of Thanks For The Redemption Bridge

Father, just like a grand canyon, sin cuts and digs deep chasms between us and a holy God. Thank You for providing Your only Son, Jesus, to act as a redemptive bridge so that we can cross over the great divide and transition from sin to forgiveness, from death to life, from punishment to mercy, from despair to eternal hope. We are now One with You, Father, and can act as a channel of Your mercy when we invite needy souls to walk over the bridge of salvation. It is because of Jesus that we can approach You, our holy God, and pray to You as our heavenly Father. Amen

A Prayer For Heart Strengthening

Father, strange teachings lead me far away from Your truths that I learn as I walk on the straight and narrow path laid out for me. It is on this path that Your grace is revealed to me, evident as far as the eye can see and reaches way beyond my limited understanding. Your abundant grace brings me assurance when the world speaks of trouble. Your abiding grace brings me consolation when others forsake me. Your sustaining grace is manifested more in the trials of life than in the mountain top experiences. Thank You for supplying me with Your sufficient grace in the height and depth of my existence. Your amazing grace is supernatural; it never ceases to be amazing and it is good for my heart to be strengthened by Your grace! Amen.

A Prayer For Spiritual Guardrails

Father, it is because of Your wise and loving character that You teach us about the wiles of our adversary, the devil, and his cunning ways. We are not caught unaware but recognize his strategy as we regularly read Your Word and store it up in our hearts. Your precepts are right and because of that we hate every wrong path. Direct our footsteps according to Your Word so that we stay in pace with You, observing the yellow lights of caution, stopping at the red lights of danger, and staying within the confines of Your guardrails. As we do so we will not allow sin to dominate our lives or lead us astray. We pray for Your guidance in Jesus’ name. Amen.