Author Archives: admin

A Prayer For Keeping Spiritual Zeal

Father, it is our lifelong desire to love You without reserve, to never be lacking in zeal, and to keep our spiritual fervor as we serve You. We fully devote ourselves to You and want to do what is good and right in Your sight so that we may be at peace and bring You honor. We want to be careful that we do not forget You or fail to observe Your commands set forth in Your Word. Otherwise our hearts will grow proud and we will forget our first love. Keep us on the right path all the days of our life, keeping our spiritual zeal as we serve You. We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

A Prayer For Being Lightbearers

Father, You make our light shine brightest when we’re surrounded by darkness. We don’t seek to blend into the darkness but want to shine Your light so that those walking in darkness can see the way to repentance. Even as we’re able to see God in the face of Christ, may the world see Christ in the face of Christian believers all over this dark planet. In Your name, Jesus, we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For Personal Renewal

Father, I am so grateful for the many passages in Scripture that provide strength and reassurance in our moments of weakness and doubt. I’m doubly grateful for brothers and sisters in our present day and those in the historic record who took hold of these truths and modeled for us what it is to live a victorious life in the midst of the daily uncertainties of this world. Our inner person is renewed with each passing day as we loosen our grip in that which passes away and take hold of that which never passes away till we reach the blessed, promised land. Amen.

A Prayer During The Time Of Testing

Father, since we live in a sin-filled world we’re bound to experience the consequences of our own sins and the sins of others. There is tremendous consolation when we hold onto the promise that these pain-filled consequences will come to an end and not follow us to the promised land. Much of what we go through is a testing of our faith and we know that faith that cannot be tested is faith that cannot be trusted. May this testing shape our attitudes so that we glorify You no matter what we experience in this life, for some of the greatest living sermons that show people the way to eternal life and righteous living, is when we’re put to the test and we shine forth like gold. Many will not pick up a Bible to learn of Your eternal principles but they will observe our actions and attitudes. Keep us faithful no matter the cost or pain. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

A Prayer To Our Strong Tower

Father, You want us to be on the look-out for our enemy’s activity and beware of his approach in the daily temptations he brings to our mind. The narrative might have changed a great deal, had the disciples been on their guard in the Garden of Gethsemane after Jesus warned them to pray rather than sleep through the night. We find ourselves much like them because we often ignore the warnings or become nonchalant, thinking we’ve heard them all our lives. Yet Your warnings and promises in Scripture are like a strong tower for the soul. You are our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Your words are truth and all Your promises will be fulfilled in time. You are a strong tower and we who are righteous run to You and find safety through Christ Jesus our Lord. It is in His name that we pray. Amen.