Author Archives: admin

A Prayer For Running The Race

Father, Your grace has no measure and it was graciously extended to me the hour I first believed and started my spiritual race. You not only prepared the way but You also run alongside me and enable me to throw off those things that hinder or weigh me down. You’ve given me an enduring spirit to stay on course during the desirable and undesirable starts of new chapters in my life. It’s not the one who runs the swiftest, nor the one who runs for a day, but it’s the one who endures to the end that will be saved. I want to be among that number, and by Your grace, I will receive the eternal rewards that come to those who finish well. And then I start the next chapter that never has an ending; that of living in heaven and praising You for all eternity. I can hardly wait. Amen.

A Prayer For Veteran’s Day

Father, we honor our military veterans who gave their all that we might enjoy our freedoms. Some of them bear visible reminders of their service such as a missing limb, or a jagged scar. Others carry less visible signs such as a pin holding a bone together, shrapnel buried beneath their skin, tortuous physical and mental images that cannot be erased from their minds, causing many of them deep disturbance in their mental health. We pray that You will encourage the veteran’s families and place godly people in their paths who will build relationships with them giving them an opportunity to share their faith. We pray for those serving today who are being denied their expression of faith due to the politically motivated changes within the military. We consider the chaplains who uphold the teachings of the Bible rather than the philosophies of our day that redefine what is right and what is wrong. Fortify them with courage, wisdom and the resolve to stay firm in the days ahead, to hold to what is true no matter what they endure as a result. And, lastly, we pray for our spiritual veterans who have forged the straight and narrow path before us that leads to eternal life. We follow behind and don’t look back to the broad path that leads to destruction and eternal doom. In the name of Jesus we praise You and thank You for these military and spiritual veterans. Amen.

1 John 2:15-16

Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world.

A Prayer Of Thanks For Reconciliation

Jesus, we want others to view the message of reconciliation as it is lived out in our lives and in our daily conversation. Because You reconciled us to the Father through Your sacrificial death on the cross we want to see others experience this wondrous reconciliation when we were snatched from the evil one and transported into the Kingdom of God. What great joy it is to share this message with others, see them respond to Your Spirit, and take them alongside us in this journey of grace. Keep us faithful in proclaiming the Good News. Amen.

A Prayer For The Pruning Process

Father, You are the Master Pruner who is growing me into the likeness of Your Son, Jesus Christ. As I remain in the Vine You assure me that I will bear much fruit lasting far beyond one season. When I consider the fruit You want to grow in me I recognize that it is all based on character traits seen in the Son. Help me to respond in accordance to the pruning knife of the Word of God as it penetrates my soul, judging the very thoughts and attitudes of my heart. Cut out that which hinders my growth and submerge me in that which will make me flourish making me fruitful for the Kingdom of God here and for the eternal Kingdom of heaven. Amen.

A Prayer For Letting Our Light Shine

Father God, You have called us to be a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people set apart to show forth the praises of Christ who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. Since You have brightened our darkness we will not conceal it in the privacy of our own home or car, but we will shine the light of Christ wherever we are; in the marketplace, in the business place, in the neighborhood, in the voting booth, in church and wherever we have opportunity to bring forth light in this world of darkness. We can make a difference and want to do so. We want to witness faithfully through Jesus Christ our Lord in whose name we pray. Amen.