Author Archives: admin

A Prayer For Recognizing Genuine Value

Father, many people spend their entire lives accumulating that which perishes at the end of our lives. We, too, as believers get caught up in earthly possessions as they require a great deal of our time and often tug at our heart strings for misplaced value in this life. But our possessions on this side pale in comparison to knowing You and Your great love for us. Turn our eyes from that which is worthless and toward that which is preserved for us in heaven. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For A Strong Finish

Father, there are many goals, deadlines, and expectations we meet as we tarry here below. But there’s one goal yet unmet that will carry us to the very end of our lives here, and that’s to cross over the finish line that transports us from our temporal dwelling to our place of eternal rest. Rest from all that troubles us, a place where we will no longer taste of death, sickness, evil or sorrow. But until then we rejoice in knowing that Christ our Redeemer lives. He walks with us through every trial, every heartache, and every temptation that our enemy, the devil, hurls at us. We are victors through Christ Jesus our Lord in whose name we pray. Amen.

A Prayer To The Master Potter

Father, too often my heart becomes hard, unpliable, and unmoved because of my stubborn will or due to my own ignorance. My pride convinces me that I know best and I become reckless along the way. I want to trust You as the Master Potter when You break my will to remove my imperfections. Though it is a painful, humbling and deliberate process I invite You to realign my heart’s desires and reshape my will according to Your purpose. As I go through this purifying process help me to stand firm during the testing periods of my life. I want to be a vessel of honor that brings glory to You. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.

A Prayer Of Waiting For The Lord’s Return

Father, we look forward with tremendous anticipation to the day You appear in the clouds with power and great glory; as You come to claim Your chosen Bride, the redeemed and purified. The dead in Christ will arise and be caught up to meet You in the skies as we together exalt and glorify You, the King of kings and Lord of lords. Help us to be faithful and true and to live in glad and patient expectancy of Your appearing as signs of Your coming multiply revealing to the redeemed that the glorious event is drawing closer.

A Prayer For Spiritual Transformation

Father, the question in the old hymn asks, “What can wash away my sins?” The correct reply is “Nothing but the blood of Jesus.” Only You can take a heart that is bent toward sin and completely turn it toward godliness. Thank You for Your redemptive love, seen in the death and resurrection of Your Son, that forgives my heart of sin. You take away the sinful way of thinking that leads to sinful living and replace it with a spiritual way of thinking that leads to life through Your Spirit. Master, the touch of Your hand empowers me to be transformed into newness of life, for which I will be eternally grateful. Amen.