Author Archives: admin

A Prayer For Light And Life

Jesus because You came as light into the world we, the redeemed, are “children of the light.” May we walk faithfully and earnestly in Your light so that darkness dissipates. May those still walking in darkness be drawn to Your light through the things we say and do as we represent You in the home, the workplace and wherever we roam. In Your Name we pray. Amen.

A Prayer To Our Mighty God

Father, the wonder of Your love is that You sent Your beloved Son, Jesus, the Holy Child of Bethlehem, in answer to our need for salvation. And in answer to our prayer You cast out our sin and entered in to be born in us, making all things new in our spiritual transformation. Because we come to You through Christ we are saved completely to the uttermost: perfectly, finally, for all time and for all eternity. All we have need of You provide through Christ Jesus our Lord. And we are forever grateful! Amen.

A Prayer For Being A Shining Light

Father, the radiance of Your holiness is revealed in the light of Your Son, Jesus, who came to dwell among us. We know that in Him there is no darkness at all. Satan, the prince of darkness blinds and deceives us, but Jesus, the Prince of Peace, illuminates us with wisdom and truth through His earthly life revealed by Your Holy Word. And now we have the light of Your Holy Spirit to guide us in a sin-darkened world as we sojourn below. May this light that burns within us brighten our countenance and be our power source for truth, holiness, and courageous witness to those who have been blinded by the darkness. Bring them into the light of Your salvation we pray. Amen.

A Prayer To The Messiah For All People

Father, thank You for sending Jesus, the long awaited Messiah. Not just for the Jews, but the good news is that Jesus was born for all people of all generations, from every tribe, tongue and language. I admit that I am a sinner in need of a Saviour. I believe You are the promised Messiah who came to this earth to die for my sins. Please forgive me of my sins and come into my life. I receive You as my Saviour and will follow You as my Lord. Thank You for hearing my prayer, saving me from my sins, and providing a home for me in heaven for all eternity. Amen.

A Prayer Of Thanks For The Incarnation

Jesus, You came to earth from heaven to take on flesh and dwell among us as You became the supreme example of God in the flesh, pouring out Your grace upon grace. In Your humanness You were victorious in the raging battle against the spiritual forces of evil when faced with temptations and trials common to all people. We stand in glorious victory as we follow Your example and hold to Your unchanging truths. We come alongside those who are grieving loss and enduring heartache in the midst of this glorious season, for it is in keeping with the season of giving, that we give ourselves in faithful prayer toward these in grief. It is in the loving name of Jesus that we pray. Amen.