Author Archives: admin

A Prayer To The Eternal God

Father, we call on You, our Lord and God who existed before the foundations of the world were established. From everlasting to everlasting You reign supreme in the heavens above and in our hearts below. You are the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last who loves us with an everlasting love. We want to be a faithful people who call on Your Name regularly and exalt You above the heavens as we glorify You here on earth. In the name of Jesus we praise You. Amen.

A Prayer For Learning To Please The Lord

Father, we are called to imitate You. When we imitate You there is not a hint of evil in our behavior; we are not deceived by empty words but live as children of light and have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness but rather expose them. Help us to be careful, then, how we live; not as unwise or uninterested learners, but as wise, quick and enthused learners of that which pleases You. We want to learn what is pleasing to You all the days we inhabit the earth. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For The Dignity Of Work

Father, help us to labor wholeheartedly according to Your command. We want to bless You with a grateful attitude and bless our workplace in regard to our productivity and loyalty. We thank You for our daily provision and blessing that comes through the work of our hands. We also thank You for our employers who help to meet our monetary needs. We pray for those who are presently seeking employment that You will provide a place of gainful employment. But until that financial door opens we pray that You will provide through unexpected means and the generosity of others. As You bless us through the work of our hands we in turn bless You by faithfully giving back a generous portion to finance Your kingdom through the local church, Christian ministries, and other worthy endeavors and needy individuals. Grant us the desire to live with less so that others can have more. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For Being A God-Pleaser

Father, there is no higher calling in our life’s journey than to be ambassadors for Christ. When we lovingly cradle infants in the church nursery, or teach youngsters Bible stories and spiritual truths, whether we provide spiritual guidance to teens during their often tumultuous years, when we lead support groups, or whatever setting in which we seek to spread the gospel message, we long for Your approval and blessing. We’re tempted to listen to popular teachers, authors, and spiritual fads of the day and align our teaching and standards in accordance to their influence, but help us to ever be wary of those who stray from the written Word. Above all and in all, we desire Your approval that comes from our own in depth study of the Scriptures, and that which the Holy Spirit speaks to us about rightly dividing the Word of Truth in balance of the entirety of Scripture. We pray especially for pastors of our church, for professors of Christian colleges, seminaries and universities, and for principals and teachers of our Christian schools, that they would resist the temptation to be popular, politically correct, or academically acceptable but rather embrace the desire to be approved by You, our Master Teacher. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For Being A People Of Prayer

Father, we are so grateful for the power of prayer and its positive effect in our lives. Yet we confess that we don’t avail ourselves to Your desired means of communication nearly as often as we should. Jesus quoted Scripture when resisting Satan’s temptations in the wilderness experience. He spent time in intense prayer when He needed strength, courage, and faith for the trials He endured. We likewise pray for our brothers and sisters, that their faith in You will grow and mature, that they will remain faithful in times of testing. We pray for ourselves that we will stand firm and remain confident in our Christian faith as we oppose the evil forces in this world as well as those sinful temptations that lie right at our heart’s door. We will be victorious when we follow Your commands, when we stand firm or take action by the power of Your might, and when we talk often with You, our dearest and closest Burden Bearer. Amen.