Author Archives: admin

A Prayer For Doing The Right Thing

Father, we enjoy positive results and favorable comments when we do good. But there are many times that we do good or take a position, in accordance to the Bible, that results in our being ridiculed, mocked, leaving us conflicted within our emotions. Would You increase the importance of eternity in our hearts so that we don’t become weary of doing good and always expect reward here and now. Help us to remember, in many instances, the proper time that we reap a harvest will not be on this side but on the other side of eternity. Above all, remind us through Your Holy Spirit, that we choose to do good because it pleases You. May the fulfillment of pleasing You be of much greater importance than pleasing or impressing those among us. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

A Prayer For Laborers

Father, help us to labor wholeheartedly according to Your command. We want to bless You with a grateful attitude and bless our workplace in regard to our productivity and loyalty. We thank You for our daily provision and blessing that comes through the work of our hands. We also thank You for our employers who provide our paychecks to meet our monetary needs. We pray for those seeking employment that You will provide work but until that financial door opens we pray that You will provide through unexpected means and the generosity of others. As You bless us through the work of our hands we in turn bless You by faithfully giving back to You a generous portion to finance Your kingdom through the local church, Christian ministries, and other worthy endeavors. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen

A Prayer Of Faith

Father, our faith is anchored in Your Son, Jesus, our Lord and Savior, who died on the cross of Calvary and was resurrected on the third day. The cross and empty tomb are symbolic of the Christian faith and without them our Christianity is in vain. We place our compete faith in the finished work of Christ and the inerrant Scriptures that make us wise unto salvation. Thank You for releasing us from sin’s effect – its guilt, power, condemnation and eternal damnation. Amen.

A Prayer For God’s Wisdom

Father, when we gave you our heart, we made the willful choice to no longer conform to the trends and philosophies of this world. Instead we ask You to daily renew our minds so that we see this world and its philosophies through the eyes of Christ. We are put to the test daily in deciding what is truth and what is error. May Your Holy Word be our reference point and Your Spirit be our Guide as we are exposed to countless philosophies based on human understanding and the basic principles of this world rather than Your eternal foundational truths. Sharpen our discernment and grant us courage so that we readily know truth from error and are fearless in saying so. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

A Prayer To The Good Shepherd

Jesus, just like the shepherd willingly lays his life down for his sheep, You also willingly laid down Your life for us. You took on our adversary, the devil, who takes people captive for his own diabolical plans. You struck down the devil’s scheme to enslave and devour us, and his plan for death and the grave. Instead You became to the doorway to the Father when You told the disciples, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by me.” We thank You for being the door to our eternal salvation, when You laid down Your life for us, through Your shed blood. Amen.