Author Archives: admin

A Prayer For Thankfulness In All Circumstances

Father, we pray that we will continue to mature in our Christian walk. Scripture, repeatedly, indicates that spiritual maturity is a result of enduring trials of various kinds. In the midst of these trials Your faithful promptings and guidance through Scripture, other believers, and the circumstances we face can be ignored or silenced when self gets in the way. Today we make every effort to add to our faith those characteristics that will sustain and grow us in our Christian walk. In doing so we will be effective and productive in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, during times of ease but even more so during times of difficulty. Keep us faithful and growing, and expressing thanks in everything, according to the Scripture, “In all things give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus toward You.” In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

A Prayer Of Thanks For Friends

Father, You have given me many treasures that cannot be bought with money and friendship is among them. I thank You for the special friends who brighten my outlook and challenge me to be a better person. Thank You for my caring friend who loves me and never gives up on me even when I feel like giving up on myself. For that dear friend who comes alongside me and helps carry the burdens that I bear, I am especially thankful. My life is enriched and my spirit is refreshed as I share my heart with a close friend who does not criticize but accepts my frailties; who prays for me and expresses love for me in ways that build me up and strengthen me in the trials of life. Father, You are the greatest and most trusting Friend that I will ever know so help me to draw near to You so that You draw near to me. Amen.

A Prayer For Walking In The Spirit

Father, Your Word assures us that if we are walking in the Spirit we will not fulfill the desires of the flesh but instead we will want to fulfill the desires that are in accordance with the Holy Spirit that resides within the believer’s heart. Help us to be at peace with others, as far as it is possible. There are those, who like the robin attacking its own image, who live in self-conflict. No matter how much we reach out or respond in love or forbearance toward them we still have conflict. Give us peace when we cannot improve the circumstances and a prayerful heart for endurance toward that which we cannot change. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For Marriages

Father, we pray for those of us who are in a marriage relationship, that You would strengthen our marital bond and increase our love year by year. Help us to be quick to forgive, willing to say “I’m sorry” and look not only to our own interests but also to the interests of our partner. Help us to practice forbearance and persevere daily as we build healthy relationships with our spouses. In this world of instability with frequent divorces and broken families may our children see us honor our vows. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For Living Without Compromise

Father, it was faithful Joshua who issued this challenge to the Israelites: “Choose this day whom you will serve.” He reminded them that their fathers, before crossing over the Red Sea, lived among those who worshiped heathen gods in Egypt just as they now lived among the Amorites who worshiped heathen gods. This passage serves as an example to those of us currently experiencing the results of a pluralistic society where God our Creator is being viewed as just one of the gods we might be devoted to. But we hold steady to the words of Scripture, “that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord is God; there is no other.” Like the followers in Scripture, “We want our hearts therefore to be wholly true to the Lord our God, walking in His statutes and keeping His commandments.” If it requires that we lay down our life for You, may we do so willingly, knowing that full obedience to You on this side brings great reward in the eternal dwelling that follows. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.