Author Archives: admin

A Prayer Of Thankfulness

Father, each of us make our dwelling on Thankful Lane when we daily attribute thanksgiving to You who provides for all our needs. You give us shelter from the harsh elements, food on our tables, clothing for our bodies and people who love and care for us. We’ve been blessed beyond measure, both physically and spiritually as You provided for our greatest need; salvation. Worthy is the Lamb who died on the cross for our sins. We will eternally praise You for Your goodness to us. Amen.

A Prayer For Godly Fathers

Father, the Psalmist wrote that you “set the lonely in families”. It is a joy and privilege to love and to be loved, to care for others and to be cared for. Today we especially pray for our readers who are fathers attempting to raise young children in the ways of the Lord. May their walk and talk be exemplary and reflect that which is taught in Your Word. Grant them wisdom and endurance as they undergo the testings common to fathers who train and discipline their children to live responsibly, respectfully, and obediently toward the teachings within Your Word. May they equip their children with the example and teachings needed for their present life, for their adult years and for their life eternal. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For Renewal Of The Mind

Father, when we offer our bodies to you as living sacrifices we find out what pleases You, and brings You honor by renewing our mind to be like the mind of Christ. We choose to conform no longer to the pattern of this world, but rather the pattern of the life of Christ. In doing so we can more easily discern Your will for our life. Then our spirit is at rest and our mind is quickened to that which makes us useful for Your kingdom. It is in Jesus’ name that we pray to our Father. Amen.

A Prayer For Godly Child-rearing

Father, we are given a tremendous trust when You permit us to raise a child. What begins as a privilege and blessing can also turn into a challenge or desperate situation. No circumstance is too difficult for You. Your arm is not too weak to save, nor Your ear too deaf to hear our heart’s cry. We pray for our children as they seek to overcome life’s difficulties and battle the enemy’s schemes. Help us to properly provide for their physical and spiritual needs as they journey into adulthood. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For The Brokenhearted

Father, it is under Your wings that we find You to be a refuge in sorrow! How our heart yearningly turns to Your rest! Often when earth has no balm for our healing, there we find comfort and there we are blest. Under Your wings, there is precious enjoyment! There we will hide till life’s trials are o’er; sheltered, protected, no evil can harm us, resting in Jesus we are safe evermore. Under Your wings our souls shall abide, safely abide forever. Amen.