Author Archives: admin

Genesis 1:26

Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

A Prayer For A Good Attitude Concerning Work

Father we offer up to You our lives as living sacrifices. May we be holy and pleasing to You. In whatever form of work we do may we do so with diligence as unto the Lord. We thank you for the variety of giftings and work skills You give us in regard to vocational work and how we are blessed and provided for. We honor you as we have a proper view toward work. Amen.

A Prayer For Renewal

Father nearly 3,000 years after Your judgment fell upon the Israelites during the fall of Jerusalem, we continue to hear those who mock messengers sent from You, those who despise the words of Scripture and those who scoff at biblical prophecy. So much prophecy is filled with warnings for us so that we won’t end up destitute and hopeless. Your Words are enlightenment to our heart, and encouragement to our spirit as we appropriate the life-saving message of salvation through Christ Jesus our Lord in whose name we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For Peace On Earth

Father, our hearts are heavy today as we continue to see the disastrous results of a country that has turned away from its original purpose for existence. Our current laws have dictated that Your Ten Commandments have no place in the discourse of public education. The government has stripped itself of the right to pray and seek Your approval when establishing the laws that govern our lives. Many cry out, “Where was God?” when the gunman killed 20 young children along with six courageous instructors. Yet, all that Scripture teaches us about how to live and show love one to another is referred to as old-fashioned, irrelevant, a thing of the past. Experts come from every direction to discuss their thoughts, but we know the only lasting answer to our need is provided for us in the arrival of Your Son, Jesus, who came to deliver us from our sins. How we pray for a mighty revival to sweep our land, revive our hearts and turn people away from their sins. We thank You for Your infinite mercy, and pray for Your comfort to be heaped upon those whose loved ones were stolen from them by the enemy fire. May our brothers and sisters nearby have an inroad to these hurting families as they reach out to them with the love that only You can provide through their loving endeavors. We also pray for the rescue workers and officials overseeing the crime scene, that You would guide them in wisdom. Fade from their memory the visual horrors to which they are exposed. We pray this in Christ’s name. Amen.

A Prayer For Basket-Holders

Father, we’re thankful for the rope-holders who bear our burdens and encourage us in times of weakness and difficulty. You work through such human vessels to convey Your strength, comfort, protection, and challenge as we walk together in faith. Help us to be faithful in doing our part to encourage, pray, and offer support to those You lay on our hearts that we may be united and strengthened in our Christian journey. Amen.

A Prayer Of Unconditional Faith

Father, the dynamic story of the three Hebrew men speaks of Your miraculous deliverance for all ages and throughout all generations. Their unyielding devotion to You is a tremendous model to those of us who call You our Father. It is by testing that we are strengthened and conformed into you likeness. Trials come upon us to produce perseverance, build character, and draw us closer to Jesus. They also enable us to help others in similar situations because of our own personal experience we have a greater sense of how to help and pray for them in their hour of need. We love You Father and want to be found faithful no matter the circumstance. We pray that we will have a “but if not” degree of faith. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.