A Prayer For Spiritual Preparedness

Father, as believers, we are watching for the return of Christ. We cast aside behaviors and attitudes that distract our minds or weigh our hearts down with the cares and mindset of this world; otherwise we will be caught off guard and fall into the enemy’s trap. We want to be sober, vigilant, and living in anticipation for that glorious day when the redeemed will be caught up in the air to meet Jesus. And so we will be with You forevermore. Amen.

A Prayer For Patience In The Spiritual Harvest

Father, like a farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains we too wait for the yield of good fruit that will be produced by our labor in Christ. As we extend ourselves to others we not only seek to be a blessing to them but we also honor Your name. Sometimes the results of our labors can be lost in the long wait. When that happens we’re brought back to the Scriptural reality that nothing we do for Christ is in vain. It all counts and is credited to our account in the economy of God’s kingdom. We look not for the applause of others, but for the affirmation of the Holy Spirit whom we seek to please in all we do. We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

A Prayer For Those Holding On

Father, we rest in what you have done for us in the past. We trust You for what You are doing presently in our lives and for what You are going to do in the future as we place our full confidence in You. We have no confidence in the flesh because our weaknesses quickly sabotage our good intentions. As we hold tightly to the hope we have in You we may feel the turbulent winds of adversity but they will not overcome us. You will keep us on course for You who promised are faithful. We hold tightly to Your teachings that upholds us even when we stumble, keeping us from being cast down. We thank You for Jesus who keeps a firm grip on us allowing no enemy to snatch us out of His hand. Amen.

A Prayer For Being An Encourager

Father, kingdom principles that Jesus taught and modeled such as, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” is especially true when we give ourselves fully to the work of the Gospel, encouraging and spurring one another on toward growth in Christ and the good deeds that follow. When we share with others and invest in their lives, we find ourselves mutually blessed, encouraged and built up in the faith as Christ is at work in our hearts. It in His name that we pray. Amen.

A Prayer Of Thanks For Grace

Father, You know how often I ask You for blessings and yet I can’t know the extent of Your limitless grace if I don’t experience the lack from my human provisions. I can’t personally know Your divine strength unless I endure human weakness. In the midst of multiple heartaches and distress You multiply Your peace and provision for my life. Help me not to resent affliction, hardship or weakness since it is in those experiences that I more clearly recognize Your immeasurable grace for all that concerns me. It is in the name of Jesus that I come to You in prayer thanking You for Your unlimited provision and immeasurable grace. Amen.