A Prayer For God’s Mercy

Father, we who once were outcasts from Your kingdom have entered through the door via the cross. Though we were unworthy like a beggar in bondage and alone; You made us worthy and now by Your grace, Your mercy has made us Your own. We will spend all of eternity thanking and praising You for Your infinite mercy and the undeserved favor we receive as Your redeemed children. We thank You for Christ who made it possible and it is in His name that we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For Harvesters

Father, we thank that You include us in Your overall plan to harvest souls into the kingdom of heaven. Open our eyes and burden our hearts as we look at the field of souls ripe for harvest. Show us ways in which we can enlarge our circle of influence as we work cooperatively with fellow believers in the great harvest of souls. What a joy it is to see people come to faith and grow in their Christian walk as we diligently plant seeds of salvation and water them with wisdom from Your Holy Word and through our Christian testimony. Amen.

A Prayer Of Thanks For God’s Free Gift

Father, we live in an age where both our land mailboxes and computer mailboxes are crammed with gimmicks. Offers are rendered to viewers through every media outlet so we’ve grown skeptical about receiving anything of value that we don’t pay for ourselves. Yet the greatest eternal gift offered to all of humanity is beyond our ability to pay. What we were unable to do through the Law You did by sending Your own Son, Jesus, in the likeness of our sinful flesh. In doing so He made Himself an offering for our sin so that we might receive forgiveness and be adopted into the family of God. Such wondrous love You pour out to sinners who disregard and defile Your Law. We are gratefully indebted to Christ Jesus our Lord who paid the ultimate sacrifice of laying down His life for our sins. which brought about forgiveness and places us in right standing with You, our loving Father. We cannot boast, for it is not in observance of the Law that we are cleansed, but through the free gift of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.We have freely received this gift and we want to freely share it with those who have not heard. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

A Prayer Of Heavenly Preparation

Father, we lift our eyes to the Eastern sky, for we know that You will soon return to gather believers in the air along with those who have already died. But until that wonderful event or until You call us home at our appointed hour of death we are to live as if this is our last day on earth. We want our hearts to be right, our conscience to be clear and our sins to be forgiven. We want to leave a godly legacy for those who remain, in hopeful expectation that they too will make proper preparation for their appointed day of death. Help us to live not just for here and now, but for our final landing in eternity. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

A Prayer For Pure Eyes

Father, may we honor You and respect ourselves as we fix our eyes and thought life upon whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and whatever is admirable. Center our attention upon those things which are praiseworthy so that we build up others in the faith as the light of Christ radiates from our spirit to those around us. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.