A Prayer For Those Desiring To Be Godly Fathers

Heavenly Father, may words of encouragement, comfort, and exhortation flow from our lips so that we may spur others on in the faith, most especially our own children. We pray that You would help Christian fathers everywhere to verbalize their faith and live in a way that honors You and shows others where their source of strength lies. Help them to be the spiritual leaders of their homes so that a harvest of righteousness and peace will be upon their households. Amen.

A Prayer When Life Just Doesn’t Make Sense

Father of All Comfort, I look to You for consolation and peace most especially during times of turmoil. Incredibly Your supernatural peace does not depend on the physical circumstances seen by my eyes or heard by my ears. You raise me up out of the gloom of despair as I place my hope not in the visible circumstances, but rather in You who renews my strength. You enable me to soar on wings like eagles far above the troubling circumstances that weigh me down. Keep my eyes, my ears and my heart lifted up to the heavens where Your divine presence combats the assaulting storms of life. I lift up all my brothers and sisters who are storm weary, asking You to renew their strength as You help them to endure the trials of life this day. Your comfort is inexhaustible and Your compassion overflows. Thank You, Father. Amen.

A Prayer For A Cooperative Spirit

Father, the Scriptures asks, “Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?” That’s such an important thought-provoking question since we know there are only two paths we must choose from which gives room for two contrasting views. We can enter through the narrow gate which is small and the way is narrow that leads to life. Few look for this path so they can easily miss this narrow entrance to eternal life. Sadly, the vast majority enter the gate that is wide and the way that is broad that leads to destruction. We must be in alliance with the one we walk alongside lest we clash with conflicting viewpoints and contrasting goals. Grant us discernment, discipline, and direction when choosing our life partner, business associate or any other person in which we must unite in making decisions. For those who are presently unequally yoked grant them grace to live carefully, watching their lives and doctrine closely, so that they will positively influence their partner, co-worker or family member to consider the claims of the Gospel which may ultimately lead them to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. It’s in His name that we pray, Amen.

A Prayer For Being A People Of Praise

Father, it’s easy to imagine nature praising You as the song birds trill their many canticles, as the wind blows upon the airy leaves and the branches of the trees clap in praise to You. Observing the clear, gushing water as it surges over the boulders, rocks and stones is so invigorating, but as much as we enjoy experiencing nature as You created it, You even more so enjoy hearing the praises of Your created beings above any other natural creation, since we are created in Your own image. It’s hard to imagine a rock praising You since it’s an inanimate object lacking personality, warmth, and soul. Yet there are times when my heart can grow stone cold when I become headstrong with my own agenda and block the work and leading of the Holy Spirit in my life. I choose to be a joyful, enthusiastic and consistent worshiper who gives You praise not only with my lips but with my life. I can do all things through Christ Jesus who gives me strength. Amen.

A Prayer Of Thankfulness For Redemption

Father, we will be eternally grateful that You sent Jesus to earth to seek and to save those lost in their transgressions and sins. You received people like Nicodemus, a man of authority, who secretly came to Jesus in the night where he sought answers to life’s most important questions. You sought out people, like the Samaritan woman, despised by the Jews and an outcast among her own as she lived a promiscuous life. Their stories represent various ethnic, economic, and lifestyle choices but the one common thing they shared is true of all humankind. They both had a sin problem that could be cured only by Jesus, the One who wants to heal our soul’s diseases. Thank You for Jesus, the sinless Lamb of God, who came down from heaven, into the world, bearing witness unto the truth that we are indeed sinners in need of forgiveness. Thank You for not only bearing witness but also for providing the answer. Amen.