A Prayer For Valueing Life

Father, You welcome all to be a part of Your kingdom: the young and the old, the weak and the strong, those born in ideal circumstances and those conceived in the worst imaginable setting. All the days ordained for our lives were written in Your book before one of them came to be. Because You take broken vessels and piece them back together with Your miraculous healing touch no soul is without hope. For those dedicated to spreading this message of life and hope to mothers and fathers of the unborn we pray that they will be spurred on by the power of Your Holy Spirit. May their voices make a welcoming difference to innocent lives in our hostile world, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Amen.

A Prayer For A Soft Heart

Father, we want our hearts to remain soft and pliable so that we do not lose our spiritual sensitivity to hear and obey Your voice. We think of those who once had softened hearts that became hardened over time. They no longer hear You or sense Your presence in their life. Their spiritual vision has darkened. Help us, Lord, once again on this day to taste and see that You are good. You are the Bread of Life that does not spoil. You satisfy our hunger and forever quench our thirst as we drink from Your springs of living water. The world only has temporary substitutes that can entrap and draw us away from Your eternal pleasures. We want to remain vigilant to Your Word and heed Your ways so there is no build up of sin in our lives that eventually hardens our heart toward You. In Your name, Jesus, we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For A New Beginning

Father, I acknowledge that I am a sinner. There is nothing good in me, and there is nothing in You but good. I choose to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ who died for my sins so that I can receive forgiveness. I confess my sins, for they are many. How thankful I am that Your blood covers all my sins, for Your Word indicates that even the foulest of sinners who truly believes that moment from Jesus a pardon receives. I have determined that I will walk with the Lord and follow His Word all the days of my life. I pray this in faith through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.

A Prayer For Spiritual Strength

Father, You want us to be on the look out for our enemy’s activity and beware of his approach through the daily temptations that come our way. The narrative might have changed a great deal had the disciples been on their guard in the Garden of Gethsemane after Jesus warned them to pray rather than sleep through the night. We find ourselves much like them because we often ignore the warnings or we are wearied by them thinking we’ve heard them all our lives. Yet Your warnings and promises in Scripture are like a watch tower for the soul. You are our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Your words are truth and all Your promises will be fulfilled in time. Your name is a strong tower and we who are righteous run to it and find safety through Christ Jesus our Lord in whose name we pray. Amen.

A Prayer For A Clear Mind

Father, we seek to be clear-minded in this generation where messages come from every direction seeking to confuse, delude, and undermine that which we learn from Your holy Scriptures. Instead of feeling despair help us to see it as a challenge to more deeply embrace the ancient Holy Word. Its truth does not change according to the whim of society. We resolve not to interpret Scripture in light of our generation, but instead we interpret our generation in light of Scripture, clearly defining right and wrong, good and bad as taught in Scripture not in the “scholarly” academia of our time. We must keep our head in all situations on a personal level as well as that which affects our society at large. We desire a clear mind, trusting spirit, and a steady aim at following You no matter the cost. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.