They have returned to the sins of their forefathers, who refused to listen to my words. They have followed other gods to serve them. Both the house of Israel and the house of Judah have broken the covenant I made with their forefathers.
A Prayer Of Trust When It’s Hard
Father, You have called us to a journey of faith where we learn to trust You for all that we have need of, for the present and the future – in our relationships, our health, our earthly provisions and our spiritual needs. Like the songwriter, Louisa Stead, wrote; “I’m so glad I learned to trust You, precious Jesus, Savior, Friend; For I know that You are with me; Will be with me to the end. Jesus, Jesus How I trust You, How I’ve proved You o’er and o’er; Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus, O for grace to trust You more.” Help us to find the sweetness of wholeheartedly trusting in You, we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.